Kaliyugada Kalpataru Sri Vyasa Raja Yati Sarvabhouma Choul and Alphabet Learning Ceremony

Choula and Alphabet Learning Ceremony

Kaliyugada Kalpataru

Fourth Delight

Sri Vyasa Raja Yati Sarvabhouma

Authored by Raja, S. Gururajacharya

12. Choul and Alphabet Learning Ceremony

Noticing that Yatiraja had entered his second year, the guru decided to perform his choul (first haircut) and alphabet learning ceremony. They sent an invitation to Ramacharya and his wife to attend the event.

Ramacharya and Lakshmi Devi were filled with immense joy. Overwhelmed with excitement and happiness, they, along with their close relatives, traveled from Bannur to Attur.

Brahmanya Muni welcomed them and had Yatiraja greet them. Seeing their beautiful, radiant son, the parents were filled with indescribable joy. While the guru was conversing with them, Yatiraja ran up, climbed onto the guru's lap, hugged him with his small hands, and started laughing. The guru, smiling, asked, "Yatiraja, who is your father?" Yatiraja touched the guru's chest with his tiny finger and said, "You are." Everyone laughed upon hearing this, and the guru was immensely pleased. Ramacharya and Lakshmi Devi's eyes filled with tears, overwhelmed with emotion. Seeing this, the guru said, "Acharya, the boy considers us his father. As he is being raised by a monk, we have become his parents. We understand your emotional turmoil and pain. Let the boy stay with you while you are here so that you may find some comfort and joy." Handing Yatiraja to his parents, the guru said to the child, "These are your real father and mother." The child, widening his eyes in surprise, looked at them, shook his head, and said sweetly, "No, you are my father," then turned and laughed at the guru. Witnessing this heartwarming scene, everyone smiled and caressed the child.

On the auspicious day of Vaishakha Shukla Saptami, Shalivahana Shaka 1370 (May 1448 CE), hundreds of people gathered at Brahmanya Tirtha's monastery for Yatiraja's choul and alphabet learning ceremony. There was a festive atmosphere everywhere, and the celebration by Ramacharya, his wife, their relatives, and the monastery members was beyond description.

In the early morning, Ramacharya, Lakshmi Devi, and Yatiraja completed their auspicious bath and adorned themselves. They sat on the ceremonial platform. As auspicious music and Vedic chants filled the air, the temple priests and scholars conducted purification rituals, Nandi Shraddha, Navagraha Puja, and various sacred rites with grandeur according to the tradition of the Shashika lineage and Vedic procedures, overseen by Ramacharya.

After completing the required rituals, Ramacharya sat with his son on the ceremonial platform outside the monastery and performed the Choul (first haircut) ceremony according to the scriptures. Yatiraja was then given an auspicious bath. Both father and son, adorned with sacred garments and ornaments, offered prayers to the deities and the guru. Ramacharya and his family then sat on the ceremonial platform.

Following the Vedic rituals, Ramacharya placed Yatiraja on Brahmanya Tirtha's lap and requested the guru to conduct the alphabet learning ceremony.

Brahmanya Tirtha placed a large silver tray filled with white sand in front of him. He wrote the Omkara and Shrikara symbols on the sand and had Yatiraja offer turmeric, kumkum powder, sacred rice, and flowers as part of the worship, followed by a fruit offering and an auspicious aarti. Then, holding Yatiraja's finger, Brahmanya Tirtha guided him to write "Om Namo Narayanaya" on the sand.

After the alphabet learning ceremony was completed and the fruit offerings were made, the women of the household performed the aarti. The assembly of Brahmins blessed the boy Yatiraja with sacred rice, chanting Vedic mantras. Following the guru's worship, Ramacharya and his wife delighted everyone by distributing sandalwood paste, flowers, fruits, betel leaves, and generous gifts to all the Brahmins and married women present.